Hillary Clinton


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
The hag with and without makeup:


Top Russian Church Exorcist: Hillary Shows 'Clear Signs' of Demonic Possession (Video)



Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
2 Crooked Hillary supports, a female chauvinist and a cucked eunuch, marching outside the DNC get attacked by Bernies' unwashed masses. Notice how many more Sanders supporters there are than Clinton. As I said in the Trump thread, The Seahag is in big trouble.


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I watched the last part of the intro video before Hillary's speech. Lots of faces of "diversity" were shown, but damn few who weren't part of the coalition of minorities and freaks that are quickly taking over the U.S. demographically and ideologically. It's clear that in "Hillary's America," straight White men will be a tiny minority, barely tolerated if they keep their mouths shut while the communist transformation of America is completed.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
2 Crooked Hillary supports, a female chauvinist and a cucked eunuch, marching outside the DNC get attacked by Bernies' unwashed masses. Notice how many more Sanders supporters there are than Clinton. As I said in the Trump thread, The Seahag is in big trouble.

Those "Hillary Supporters" are just messing with the Bernouts


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Those "Hillary Supporters" are just messing with the Bernouts
Yes, I actually came on here to amend my post. That's James O'Keefe of Project Veritas who's most known for exposing the ACORN corruption. Great man.

However, my point still stands. Many Bernie Bots hate Hillary and will never vote for her. This also shows that most of Hillary's support doesn't exist or is casual at best. She's a paper tiger but is still a threat as the entire cheating establishment, including the MSM, will do its best to steal the election for her.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Wow, after watching the two videos posted above, it's clear that the level of hatred for The Hilldabeast among Bolshevik Bernie's supporters is sky high. It makes perfect sense because without "super delegates," the Hag and the Jew would've likely had a "contested" Democratic National Convention instead of Bernie quitting and endorsing "her" like a feeble little pussy...



Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
2 Crooked Hillary supports, a female chauvinist and a cucked eunuch, marching outside the DNC get attacked by Bernies' unwashed masses. Notice how many more Sanders supporters there are than Clinton. As I said in the Trump thread, The Seahag is in big trouble.

Guys you realize that the two are undercover faux Hillary supporters trolling the "Burnouts". His name is O'Keefe. He is the guy who exposed Planned Parenthood for selling baby parts. He is a brave guy to troll the leftist.


May 1, 2015
I watched the last part of the intro video before Hillary's speech. Lots of faces of "diversity" were shown, but damn few who weren't part of the coalition of minorities and freaks that are quickly taking over the U.S. demographically and ideologically. It's clear that in "Hillary's America," straight White men will be a tiny minority, barely tolerated if they keep their mouths shut while the communist transformation of America is completed.
It's already like that for me. I can only imagine how worse it's going to be under her.

In Paul Craig Robert's latest interview yesterday with Infowars' reporter Darrin McBreen, he expects nothing less than the "vaporization" of U.S. citizens if Hillary is elected President, considering NATO's hostile missile positioning in Poland and Romania and Putin's recent statement about it that was not reported by (((Western media)))...and Hillary's support of that.

In one of the parks I go to get a good walk in, I've noticed a marked increase in what appears to be Central American immigrants over just the past few months. Sometimes as much as 75% of everyone at the park; and this is in a nice and somewhat conspicuous area. Overall, where I live is looking more like Bogota, Columbia every day. The Central Americans make the Mexicans look downright First World, IMO.

Lot's of "truth b0mbs" in this thread. Great job, all.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Heretic -

Paul Craig Robert's name makes me see red because that little son of a bitch jumped on the media and occupational government orchestrated "college bound gentle giant"-let's lynch officer Darren Wilson bandwagon.

About your park situation, I don't have the article in front of me but just last week I read how Guatemalan and other central Americans were complaining that not enough of them are invading the USSA compared with all the Mohammedan and Mexican invaders, so the Barak Hussein & Hillary regime agreed to bring more of them in.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
PCR is far and away the most outspoken former insider extant today. At a time when fellow well known current and former insiders are strongly needed, Roberts remains almost alone in his patriotism. Go ahead and nitpick him like so many are wont to do. He is akin to Pat Buchanan, who is about the same age and has also been going it alone for decades. On the "black side," Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have grown old and decrepit with no one to take up the cause that serves blacks well.


May 1, 2015
Heretic -

Paul Craig Robert's name makes me see red because that little son of a bitch jumped on the media and occupational government orchestrated "college bound gentle giant"-let's lynch officer Darren Wilson bandwagon.

About your park situation, I don't have the article in front of me but just last week I read how Guatemalan and other central Americans were complaining that not enough of them are invading the USSA compared with all the Mohammedan and Mexican invaders, so the Barak Hussein & Hillary regime agreed to bring more of them in.
I don't think there's anyone on this earth, past or present, that I would agree with 100% of the time. If I went by that, then I'd never listen to anyone's point-of-view and never learn or be informed about anything. Even with Jesus Christ, I don't agree with "turning the other cheek" in every or even in most situations. I think the West has gotten into the situation it is in because of that kind of thinking.

I take whatever information I feel is true or beneficial to my well-being or overall knowledge and understanding no matter from whom it came. There's just some that provide more of it than others. From a quick glance, and from a contemporary perspective, I would guess that I agree with PCR 85-90% of the time, DJT 75%, Ron Paul 85-90%, Bernie Sanders 15%, Hillary Clinton 2% (although right now I can't think of anything concrete, but I'm guessing maybe 2 out of 100 things she believes in I may believe in as well), Alex Jones 85-90%, Michael Savage 70%, Sean Hannity 65%, Viktor Orban (PM of Hungary) 90%, Andrzej Duda (President of Poland) 90%, Pope Frances 10%, Pope John Paul II 90%, and Don Wassall 95% ;).

Those are just some rough estimates. It's the whole "baby and bathwater" analogy. I'll keep the "baby" and throw out the bathwater if I find the "baby" useful enough.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
OK, maybe I'm too harsh on PCR. I liked him before the officer Wilson incident that the ziomedia picked up on and ran with as hard as they can, as they will do now with every white-black, especially white police-black, incident they think they can use. I see that PCR has elsewhere spoken out about the ongoing attack on the white race and western civilization, like Harvard Ziouniversity and their Professor Noel "Abolish The White [Goyische] Race" Ignatiev". I don't know what got into PCR when he joined the Officer Darren Wilson lynch party. He actually said Officer Wilson MURDERED - that was the word he used - the college bound african-american gentle giant, as the media put it - over and over. 24/7 of course, like they do when they find something they can use and pick up the ball and run with it - who was just minding his own college bound gentle giant business robbing stores and trying to snatch a police officer's gun so that he could kill him. But OK, I'll take it easy on PCR - unless he does it again.

Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are still writing columns and have their own websites, tho I don't know how good they are anymore.

Hey, Heretic, even I might agree with the hag Hillary on maybe 1% of things, like maybe if she says the sky is blue or something. Who is DJT?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
PCR is not a racialist. His concern is with the corruption of government at all levels. He's peerless when it comes to dissecting U.S. foreign policy and its takeover by the neo-cons. On incidents like the shooting of the "gentle giant" Michael Brown, he is very critical of police because he is strongly opposed to the militarization of police in tactics and weaponry. He's pro-Western civilization but "doesn't do" race. But he still has a helluva lot to offer on the subjects he cares deeply about.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
PCR is very good on foreign policy.

I'm against the looming police state too - but Darren Wilson was a REAL police officer actually on the street risking his life - which he almost lost that day - fighting crime, trying to keep people safe. He was hero but in this stinking shell of a country he was treated like the worst criminal in the world, and even the bosses on his job released his personal information to the media which they dutifully published and broadcast many times - his home address, marital status etc.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I agree completely about Wilson and the rest of the onslaught taking place against police. But Heretic nailed it, no one agrees with everyone all the time. Roberts is "on our side" on most things and that's what counts.
Feb 11, 2016
This really is a serious question. Though hugely in the minority of posters on this site; why are people believing any of these police shooting actually happened? Could they not be false flag incidents to create a police state. I find it amazing that people see what they want to see to fit their agenda. Newtown and Miami can be false flags but not Dallas or Louisiana. I am just trying to point out the hypocrisy of such strange statements. I don't think the media always totally tells the truth but you just can't seriously believe thousands of people are lying to the public and it is all a hoax to perpetuate whatever you think they are.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Because certain incidents lend themselves to questions concerning whether they happened the way the media maintains they did. Other incidents don't.

Do some research yourself on Sandy Hook and the Orlando events and you might understand why many question them, instead of issuing blanket statements condemning people who do. Check out crisis actors (yes, it's an industry), staged drills, etc.

It is routine in this country to sign confidentiality statements for many occupations, with severe penalties for breaching them. This includes even reality shows and lots of other "entertainment."

You ask why thousands of people would lie to the public? Actually it's only a small number of "authority figures" and some alleged witnesses who are allowed to talk about what happened. Why do politicians lie all the time? Why would millions of people want to be condemned as paranoid, crazy, etc., by challenging the orthodoxy of some issues? It must somehow be comforting to call anyone crazy who disagrees with you.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"Should we question the media stories, even something as large as these mass shootings? Absolutely. Consider this video by former Gore and Clinton campaign consultant Naomi Wolf (now a journalist published by outlets such as The Guardian, The Nation, National Review, and Huffington Post). She says, 'We’ve entered an era where it is not crazy to assess news events to see if they are real or not real … in fact, it’s kind of crazy not to.' She admits this is a 'very painful thing to talk about.'” https://souloftheeast.org/2016/08/0...onspiracy-defense-vs-church-calendar-offense/


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
" I find it amazing that people see what they want to see to fit their agenda. Newtown and Miami can be false flags but not Dallas or Louisiana..."

It boils down to having the intelligence and the ability to analyze events based on available information and not blindly accepting what authority figures like the friendly smiling talking heads on tv and the politicians in their 10 thousand dollar suits and dresses who have a long record of lying about almost everything say.

The evidence indicates that they are lying about Dallas and Orlando too. Evidence indicates that there was more than one killer involved in the Orlando killings, and the alleged killer was trained by and worked for a company that subcontracted with DHS and the State Dept. Likewise Dallas. The official story there is that is was one lone black gunman holed up in that building, but live reports stated that bullets were coming from all directions, and right on film - it's on Youtube, at least it was - we can see a black male rush up behind a policeman on the street and murder him! Has that been memory-holed already?


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Mindless dolts cheering(!) as Killary promises to raise taxes on the Middle Class:



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Mindless dolts cheering(!) as Killary promises to raise taxes on the Middle Class:

They'd give her a twenty minute standing ovation if she told them they'd all have to give up their houses as reparation payments to the freed (terrible mistake) slaves, and give their wives and daughters to the refugees.
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