Importing a Slave Class


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm not really a big fan of pseudo-NeoCON Ann Coulter. However, I thought the title & theme of this article were on the mark. The importation of Mexican "slave labor" is also to destroy the American middle class, economy and ultimately our sovereignty & borders!

Importing a Slave Class
by Ann Coulter

Posted: 05/23/2007

Apparently, my position on immigration is that we must deport all 12 million illegal aliens immediately, inasmuch as this is billed as the only alternative to immediate amnesty. The jejune fact that we "can't deport them all" is supposed to lead ineluctably to the conclusion that we must grant amnesty to illegal aliens -- and fast!

I'm astounded that debate has sunk so low that I need to type the following words, but: No law is ever enforced 100%.

We can't catch all rapists, so why not grant amnesty to rapists? Surely no one wants thousands of rapists living in the shadows! How about discrimination laws? Insider trading laws? Do you expect Bush to round up everyone who goes over the speed limit? Of course we can't do that. We can't even catch all murderers. What we need is "comprehensive murder reform." It's not "amnesty" -- we'll ask them to pay a small fine.

If it's "impossible" to deport illegal aliens, how did we come to have so much specific information about them? I keep hearing they are Catholic, pro-life, hardworking, just dying to become American citizens, and will take jobs other Americans won't. Someone must have talked to them to gather all this information. Let's find that guy -- he must know where they are!

How do we even know there are 12 million of them? Why not 3 million, or 40 million? Maybe we should put the guy who counted them in charge of deporting them.

If the 12-million figure is an extrapolation based on the number of illegal immigrants in public schools or emergency rooms and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood, then shouldn't we be looking for them at schools and hospitals and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood?

I believe that the shortage of unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans we experienced in the '60s has been remedied by now.

Since Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act, more than half of all legal immigrants have been unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans. America takes in roughly 1 million legal immigrants each year. Only about 30,000 of them have Ph.D.s. Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?

Say, don't Ph.D.s and other skilled workers have more influence on government policy than unskilled workers? Aren't they more likely to bend a president's ear? Yes, I believe they are! Noticeably, the biggest proponents of the government's policy of importing a huge underclass of unskilled workers are not themselves unskilled workers.

The great bounty of cheap labor by unskilled immigrants isn't going to hardworking Americans who hang drywall or clean hotel rooms -- and who are having trouble getting jobs, now that they're forced to compete with the vast influx of unskilled workers who don't pay taxes.

The people who make arguments about "jobs Americans won't do" are never in a line of work where unskilled immigrants can compete with them. Liberals love to strike generous, humanitarian poses with other people's lives.

Something tells me the immigration debate would be different if we were importing millions of politicians or Hollywood agents. You lose your job, while I keep my job at the Endeavor agency, my Senate seat, my professorship, my editorial position or my presidency. (And I get a maid!)

The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants -- unlike you lazy Americans -- are the wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the rest of us chip in for the immigrants' schooling, food and health care.

These great lovers of the downtrodden -- the downtrodden trimming their hedges -- pretend to believe that their gardeners' children will be graduating from Harvard and curing cancer someday, but (1) they don't believe that; and (2) if it happened, they'd lose their gardeners.

Not to worry, Marie Antoinettes! According to "Alien Nation" author Peter Brimelow, "There is recent evidence that, even after four generations, fewer than 10% of Mexicans have post-high school degrees, as opposed to nearly half of non-Mexican-Americans." So you'll always have the maid. As New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said, our golf fairways would suffer without illegal immigrants: "You and I both play golf; who takes care of the greens and the fairways on your golf course?"

We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago. They've become so desperate for servants that now they're importing an underclass to wash their clothes and pick their vegetables. This vast class of unskilled immigrants is the left's new form of slavery.

What do they care if their servants are made citizens eligible to vote and collect government benefits? Aren't the fabulously rich happy in Venezuela? Oops, wrong example. Brazil? No, no, let me try again. Mexico! ... Well, no matter. What could go wrong?

***Source/reference article...


Dec 30, 2006
Yeah, but I don't know where she gets off just pointing the finger at Democrats. There are plenty of rich Republicans who love paying them dirt under the table too. This is all part of the globalist agenda, which both parties are pawns of. Voting for either one is merely an illusion of accomplishments. How f**king dare Bush, REPUBLICAN BUSH,call the Minute Men vigilantes for enforcing laws the government refuses to enforce.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with you cutty, especially about Bush's namecalling. Our government in many ways in non-functioning and defunct. By doing so Big Brother has forfeited his right to govern.


Dec 30, 2006
Not that the democratic party isn't a joke.Case in point, people voted them in because they ran on a platform of pulling out of Iraq, for which I agree there is nothing more we can do for them, but they turn right around and rubber stamp a continuation of it. No surpise, they got what the wanted, toget thier fat asses back in chairs oncapitol hill, thats all.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Apr 13, 2005
This is absoloutely a two-party sellout of America. The fact that Coulter refuses to recognize it in her column is ridiculous.
May 1, 2006
Let me see if there are 12,000,000 million Reconquistadores in the US and we put 60 in a locked Big Rig Trailer ( do not want them too crowded ) that is 12,000000/60=200,000 trucks to deliver them back to their homeland. Or we could consider them to be foriegn spies do public executions and let the survivors arrange their own transportation home. And yes I am a cold hearted bastard.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The peanlty for tresspassing is frequently death. Ever seen a sign "Tresspassers will be shot"? should put that one up on the border.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
cutty said:
Not that the democratic party isn't a joke.Case in point, people voted them in because they ran on a platform of pulling out of Iraq, for which I agree there is nothing more we can do for them, but they turn right around and rubber stamp a continuation of it. No surpise, they got what the wanted, toget thier fat asses back in chairs oncapitol hill, thats all.

Don't you mean there's nothing more we can do to them, short of flattening what remains of Iraqi society?
Jan 5, 2005
United States
First, the 12 million number is an absolute farce. There are more then 12 million of them in California alone. Second, the number of anchor babies and the chain created by them has probably at least tripled whatever the actual number of illegals is. Anchor babies are still illegal in my mind, despite what the government says. Third, deporting them would be fairly easy, anyone who says otherwise is a moron or has an agenda. Fourth, if the will to deport them isn't there, then just start arresting employers and the job market will dry up and a good percentage of illegals would self deport. Fifth, quit trying to distinguish between the Democrats and Republicans, they are the same and the longer they can convince voters otherwise the further they can stave off the day of reckoning.
Sep 24, 2006
Anchor babies are absolutely illegal, and weren't intended at all. The US has no jurisdiction over illegal aliens, and so, no jurisdiction over their kids.


Dec 30, 2006
"Don't you mean there's nothing more we can do to them, short of flattening what remains of Iraqi society?"

Um yeah, sure. They seem determined to flatten it themselves. Doesnt' really matter though. Israel got what they wanted. One less country capable of attacking them.


Oct 26, 2008
Who would take care for the fairways? Real Amerioans would like they did before the influx. Bloomberg is an idiot.

I wonder how many of those PHD's were gotten at American Unv's, most and subsidized by the taxpayer.

They were importing cheap labor 100 years ago, only they were European. When did the middle class take off,when we cut off immigration in the 20's and then after WWII there were almost no immigrants until the late 60's? When did the wages start to go down, 1973, when immigration had a few years to have an impact.

Now our colleges are going down to Brazil to find soccer players to give scholarships to. Oh and don't forget all the golf scholarships given to foreigners.

I am sure she wouldn't be for cutting off all immigration or at least limiting it to European peoples.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Immigration And The States: The Slave Power Strikes Back"

In the nineteenth century, Americans had another term for what we now call "the political class"â€"the Slave Power.

Americans gradually came to believe that there was a pro-slavery conspiracy to expand the range of slavery, erode the foundations of republican government, and undermine the dignity of free labor. This pro-slavery elite supposedly controlled both major political parties and used its influence to block all attempts at reform.

As the old saying goes, "history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes." The Cheap Labor Lobby isn't a perfect reincarnation of the Slave Powerâ€"but it uses the same arguments, pulls in the same general direction, and is driven by same fundamental appetites.

This elite has an apparently insatiable appetite for cheap labor and an uncontrollable urge to dismantle the American nation. It is engaged in what is now all but open warfare against American democracy, which it dresses up in faux humanitarian rhetoric and self-serving religious and economic arguments.

An article entitled "The Sex Slaves Next Door: New Form of Trafficking Invades US"


Jan 28, 2011
For Coulter to place the blame on the Dems really shows how truly dishonest she is.

That's why I hate these demagogues so badly. Coulter, Limbaugh, Beck, Boortz, etc. . Always pointing the finger at the opposite party, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.

That's their JOB. They are pressure relief valves.

When the steam of the people get's to the boiling point, these stooges are always there to re-direct and channel the anger in the politically expedient direction. That's why NWO pays these Shabbat Goy so much money I supppose?

I've had enough of these demagogues, they're worse than out and out commies.


May 10, 2008
Dissident said:
That's their JOB. They are pressure relief valves.
Dissident, that's an interesting observation.
I have long felt that the idea of "voting" itself serves much the same purpose, but as a pre-emptive measure to make one feel as if he is part of the process and that there is a hope for improvement. But if voting is channeled into already-controlled choices, then it serves a constructive purpose according to the criteria of those who create the choices.


Jan 28, 2011
I agree!

Instead of elections, they would more be more accurately termed SELECTIONS.

All stage managed, all rigidly controlled.

Gives the appearance of democratic process, but that's really illusion, because when there's not a dimes worth of difference between the two major parties, it's a no win for the electorate.

I couldn't agree with you more on the dog and pony show called US presidential SELECTIONS.

WWF Wrestling anyone?