Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
From Caste Football's posting guidelines: "No racial or ethnic slurs or attacks on white nationalities, and no religious slurs. An honest dialogue about sports and race by definition will include negative observations about an individual or race, but if your objective is simply to attack a group of people go elsewhere."

If you want to post here, RESPECT THIS SITE AND ITS GOALS!

I'm fed up with the crap I've been reading of late. One thread alone has the following descriptions of blacks in consecutive posts -- "subhuman," "beasts," "savages," and "monkeys."

I'm going to start deleting the posts that don't respect this site. And if it continues, then the offending poster will be banned. I don't care how long you've been here or how many posts you've made. And if this causes a mass exodus of posters then I'll simply discontinue the site because this is embarrassing and I will not be associated with it.

This site exists to cheer on white athletes and to find ways to work together to end the Caste System. It does not exist as a way to see how many different pseudo-clever ways you can expressyour dislikeof blacks. Use your intelligence to try to reach white athletes and their families and friends with an uplifting message of encouragement and empowerment. If we are trying to bring out the best in our people then we better show them the best in ourselves. Caste Football has a positive mission and it's not going to change.Edited by: Don Wassall


Dec 22, 2004
AMEN Don. I am with you all the way with that sentiment. You are the boss and I trust your instincts. Don't be afraid to throw your weight around. A little discipline is a good thing. Too bad baseball hasn't discovered that. Delmon Young case is a farce. Guy behaves like a criminal and gets a slap on the wrist.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Don, because I respect you and believe you are a very talented, good and decent man who has devoted much time and effort to the cause, I will stop posting. I have become increasingly upset at the the situation in our country and realize my posts are getting more serious and angry. I know who has drilled the holes in the dyke and who is responsible for the flood of blacks and Mestizo's destroying us. A few more white running backs and wide receivers won't remedy the situation. But then again, this site is geared towards sports, not political action so that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Now, if you would have written that we should refrain from using terms such as monkeys, beasts and subhumans because it may OFFEND readers and perhaps bring some heat to this site... well, I can understand. But to come out and say you are offended, embarrassed and consider it a personal insult?? It rankles me that you feel that way.. .it really does.

To Jaxvid, who is really funny and talented, I enjoy your perceptions a lot. White Savage, you're a smart fellow. White Shogun, love your stuff. Col. Reb, forgive me for blasting traitor Christians and race pimps in the pulpit. No offense towards you.Callahan, Southern Knight, Gary and kg, Em? and everyone else... Happy Trails to you.


Dec 28, 2004
Good post Don,I desire to encourage White Brothers.I have no hate toward anyone,I hate a PC system that tries to hold our White Brothers back.Anyone can see the nation is in trouble,what to do about it is the question.I don't have a simple answer.
To use racial slur's will indeed cheapen this site,I can't close the borders,end the war or stop inner city crime.But I can post what I believe are encouraging words to Whites and especially the youth.
Before there is a mass exdous from this site,lets remember our White Brothers need us.We talk of Dempsey and Marciano now it's time for all of us to have a CHAMPION'S HEART!!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bart said:
Now, if you would have written that we should refrain from using terms such as monkeys, beasts and subhumans because it may OFFEND readers and perhaps bring some heat to this site... well, I can understand. But to come out and say you are offended, embarrassed and consider it a personal insult?? It rankles me that you feel that way.. .it really does.

Bart,It's not about taking heat.That's not the point I was trying to make.

I am embarrassed by many of the anti-black slurs and a lot of the gratuitous anti-Jewish stuff as well. Maybe disappointed is a better word. It's counterproductive. It's also easy to write when we're frustrated, as we all are by so many things going on.

We have had standards for posting from the beginning here, a culture if you will. I feel that we're moving away from those standards and am just speaking my mind. I will go back and edit out the personal insult part because that was a poor choice of words and not appropriate. I was ticked off when I wrote the post, which is not always the best time to write something, but I stand by the gist of it. We have to motivate and encourage. Focusing on slamming blacks and Jews appeals to virtually no one.

I am grateful to the many fine minds who post here. When this board is humming with great posts it's just such a pleasure to take part in it. I know every one of us has the savvy and ability to say what needs to be said without crossing the line. That's all I'm asking and I apologize if I have offended anyone individually because that was not my intention.Edited by: Don Wassall


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Well, there used to be more enthusiasm to explain white attributes and media stereotyping. I guess the immigration situation has a lot of us on edge.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bart said:
Don, because I respect you and believe you are a very talented, good and decent man who has devoted much time and effort to the cause, I will stop posting. I have become increasingly upset at the the situation in our country and realize my posts are getting more serious and angry. I know who has drilled the holes in the dyke and who is responsible for the flood of blacks and Mestizo's destroying us.  A few more white running backs and wide receivers won't remedy the situation.  But then again, this site is geared towards sports, not political action so that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Now, if you would have written that we should refrain from using terms such as monkeys, beasts and subhumans because it may OFFEND readers and perhaps bring some heat to this site... well,  I can understand. But to come out and say you are offended, embarrassed and consider it a personal insult??  It rankles me that you feel that way.. .it really does.

To Jaxvid, who is really funny and talented, I enjoy your perceptions a lot. White Savage, you're a smart fellow. White Shogun, love your stuff. Col. Reb, forgive me for blasting traitor Christians and race pimps in the pulpit.  No offense towards you.  Callahan, Southern Knight, Gary and kg, Em? and everyone else... Happy Trails to you.

Geez Bart, I wish you would reconsider. I always look forward to your posts. You're the funniest one here! I've been laughing out loud at some of your comments since you've been here. I also agree with nearly everything you post.

I think Don was just helping keep everybody on target. It's always good to have constructive criticism. The place won't be the same without you.


Aug 10, 2005
Bear-Arms said:
Well, there used to be more enthusiasm to explain white attributes and media stereotyping. I guess the immigration situation has a lot of us on edge.

I agree. Invasion/immigration and the treatment the young men at Duke has been infuriating. Then we saw how Hass and others were treated in the NFL draft. We should probably try not to cross a certain "line" so to speak ,but it is difficult not to lash out when our people our under assault.
I also don't want to alienate any visitors to the site who may be sypathetic to the cause, but if the objective is to somehow be acceptable to or receive positive coverage from the mainstream media I think that may be overly optimistic because the media is anti White despite any legitimate grievances we may illuminate.
I hope Don and Bart make up. We are going to have to be reigned in every so often. It's the nature of the subject matter. Edited by: KG2422

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I wish you would reconsider too, Bart. You've been an invaluable presence on the board. I shouldn't have mentioned any particular thread because it was a lot more than just that one thread that got to me.

You'veput a lot of time and effort into writing over 1,300 posts.It takes a lot of interest and commitment to a site to do that. Ifyou feel Iwas out of line feel free to blast me but please don't up and quit.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Bart, just because you are ticked off at what is happening in the world today doesn't mean you should quit posting. I think we all feel the same way, albeit to differing degrees. I know I am "an angry white male" sometimes, and I think I have every right to be one, but we shouldn't let the negatives drag us down. Keep your head up and channel that frustration into some positive, pro-white posts or articles. I agree with jaxvid that you are the funniest guy on the board. I would very much like to see you keep posting, but if you decide not too, I can respect that.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Reconsider Bart.We need more posters that have been around for a long time.You can't bring change when you walk away.We are all frustrated but Don is just trying to keep the site growing.Some things are better left unsaid to help reach out to new people.I think you will find that you will miss this place if you are away too long.You have many friends here.My computer got a virus once for around 2-3 weeks and I was going through Caste withdrawls.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
If anyone feels like venting, remember you can always PM another member. If you really need to get something off your chest, you know who you can talk to privately on this site.

Another idea, if you're feeling your oats about a particular topic, maybe you can bounce it off another member before posting. They might not be as angry as you at that time and may be able to suggest some editing that will bring your post within the guidelines Don has established for Caste Football.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good points Shogun, and ones well worth using. Whitelightning, I knew you were an Arizona Confederate, you said you went through withdrawls, instead of withdrawals! Ha!


Dec 28, 2004
I also would like you to reconsider Bart,I enjoyed your posts.We need to circle wagons at this time and encourage each other.I don't respond to every newcomer,I wait and get a feel for there posts,if they don't give full kudo's to White Men then I get suspicious. I'm not the site detective but I still remember pugnus,jody and a few others that if left unchecked could have ruined this site like they did Eastsideboxing.
We do need guidelines to keep order and we do need someone like Don to pull the plug on people who come here to make trouble.We want this site to grow and get more clout but we need Green Berets not draft dodgers.Bart I always considered you a front line troop.
Come on my White Brothers make every post count,we are in a war we simply can't afford to lose.A great day to you all!!!!


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Bart, I know exactly how you feel. I have been taking a semi-break from many of my favorite websites(including this one) because I find myself getting too angry for my own good. It seems like every time I sit down at my computer and go to CasteFootball or Amren or Propaganda Matrix, my blood starts boiling and I am ticked off for the day. This is no way to live and I have been trying to figure out a solution to this problem. Luckily, my son's baseball season is in full swing and I am able to get away from reality for a couple of hours a day.

Bart, I hope you will reconsider at some point and continue to enhance our little community here with your energy and wit.

White warlord

Apr 21, 2006
I will admit that I haven't been posting on this site long, when I first found it I was like WOW white people that feel the way I do, I was amazed and very happy, so I began posting away. NOW I see that I am highly mistaking in what I have found, I have also come to learn from the statistics and articles, and other websites, that I have found that whites are in a "cold war" against minorities, blacks in particular. Don I don't feel understands this, how can you be half-way in half-way out of a fight for OUR race and the negative bias that the media places on ALL WHITES? Seems to me that he has bought into the typical "Politically correct" view, that the rest of America has been subjugated to.
While you delete my posts and ban my account, why don't you give it a think over to kick Mr. Cash out also Don because some of his articles have also contained this such as stating that "blacks are unattractive" read his article on "Cheerleading for Interracial sex".As for stating that subhuman, beasts, savages, monkeys Ops I'm sorry African-Americans, yes I am guilty of such crimes because, that is what they are, only a little common since shows that, when you listen to their music, look at their culture, and read and see the crimes they commit with your own two eyes.
I myself have been persecuted by these "African-Americans", I've watched other whites be humiliated by them, and have seen black on white attacks at my schools growing up, and in the adult world. I just recently as everyone knows lost two friends to this "group of peoples" how you so called put it. So Donny boy be embarrassed by me or the THOUSANDS of whites that do agree with me, I don't give a damn, you've sold out, by being half-way in half-way out, keep up your fight for the racist biased against whites, in sports, while the rest of whites in the nation takes heat on everything else GREAT JOB!!!
  Did you also know that pro-"African-American" sports stars use the term "white man syndrome" on people that cannot exile in sports? Yet you find it embarrassing to call them "beast, savages, monkeys, and animals". What a sell out... And also by the way Donny its not pseudo-cleaver to list the hard cold facts on how they attack us, and the negative things they do in the world. We are in a war for our race and this site I once considered an outlet to fight that war, yet you are embraced or disappointed, by it. As far as it goes for having a savvy ability to say what needs to be said without crossing the line, it was crossed long ago don, by minorities and those that seek to raise them above us and crush us.
You just haven't seen that yet, or have and don't care, just as long as they don't show a raciest bias against whites in SPORTS! As the old saying goes you can't have your cake and eat it to. Question: You think this website is actually taking seriously BY whites in power that have the keys over the raciest bias in sports? As for Motivating and Encouraging whites, that's exactly what I am trying to do online and offline, this is a war we cannot lose, so watch your sports and hope and pray that this site will help the dire straights our race is in, in the sport industry. As for stating that you will discontinue the site if there is a mass exodus, only shows as proof for me you've bought half-way into the "politically correct" society that now serves America. I'm done here. So feel free to post your criticism against me and on me AFTER you ban my account and me.
As for the rest of my fellow white brothers on this site I currently am now posting on the website it's a great place with many whites that share OUR points of views. I hope to see you there my brothers, I go by the screen name WhiteTemplar there. Wow now I feel disappointed. How long will any of my post stay up and this one before ANYONE gets a chance to read them? I'll keep check.
Edited by: White warlord

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
White warlord said:
yet you are embraced or disappointed

What I'm "embraced" and disappointed in is a pseudo-intellectual white person who can't spell or use correct grammar well enough to avoid embarrassing themselves and other white people. I find your posts meandering, convoluted, and embarrassing (embracing?) to white people. Your posts are ugly and more poorly written than those of half the trolls who've come to this site. What does that tell you?

If you want to be proud of being white, start at home and try to present a more respectable image of yourself and your belief system. Ramblings such as yours are a disgrace to you and the belief system you espouse.

I understand the difference between Storm Front and Caste Football. If you'd have spent more time reading the "About Us" section of this site, you might understand it, too. Both are useful, they just serve different purposes. If you'd stick to the guidelines, you might have enjoyed posting at BOTH sites, about different topics, and might have learned something as well.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
I agree with Bart: Trying to explain the caste system in the sports world, without mentioning the Chosen Ones Who Cannot Be Named In Any Manner That Is Unflattering To Them, is like trying to explain a dogbite without mentioning the dog.

It is truly frightening that we, as Whites, are expected to be respectful toward blacks and jews even in a forum purportedly intended to address a situation in which Whites are expressly discriminated against. On the other hand, I respect and understand completely that the moderator may (and should) control his forum in the manner of his choosing. On that note, I will take my leave, as well. Good day, gentlemen.

White warlord

Apr 21, 2006
White Shogun said:
White warlord said:
yet you are embraced or disappointed

What I'm "embraced" and disappointed in is a pseudo-intellectual white person who can't spell or use correct grammar well enough to avoid embarrassing themselves and other white people. I find your posts meandering, convoluted, and embarrassing (embracing?) to white people. Your posts are ugly and more poorly written than those of half the trolls who've come to this site. What does that tell you?

If you want to be proud of being white, start at home and try to present a more respectable image of yourself and your belief system. Ramblings such as yours are a disgrace to you and the belief system you espouse.

I understand the difference between Storm Front and Caste Football. If you'd have spent more time reading the "About Us" section of this site, you might understand it, too. Both are useful, they just serve different purposes. If you'd stick to the guidelines, you might have enjoyed posting at BOTH sites, about different topics, and might have learned something as well.

God forbid the day you hit a typo or misspell something every once in awhile Shogun, kiss don's butt more and call more whites stupid, and say that your embarrassed by them, great way to support for a fellow white that seeks to help us not harm us, I will leave you with this my brother, We are in a war, and you don't fully grasp that also. And as you stated that I RAMBLED why didn't you care to point out my ramblings also like you did my misspelling? While I do think you show a respectable self-image of our race, and have perfect grammar because you don't have to work 70-80 hours a week and are dead tired by the time you get to post my friend. I will not insult you my fellow white brother this is just where we differ in opinion.

White warlord

Apr 21, 2006
Im not going to delete or edit any of what I said, I do understand after some sleep that, I was wrongfully offensive on most of my first post, and for that I am deeply sorry Don. You must understand that comming from my prospective that I'm just sick and tired of how things are going in this nation and I do agree you don't want most of that commented about here, it is a sports site about the biased anti-white racist views in sports. I stand for the fact that I won't post here again, after you guys read this. Once again I am deeply sorry my white brothers, this is your site don and you do as you see fit more power to you and your fight to stop crap whites take in sports. White shogun sorry for anything I've ever said to offend you my brother lets not play into the game of fighting within our community and white brotherhood. Farewell all.


Oct 19, 2004
I believe it was Bigunreal that made fun of the "dramatic exits" that he sees on discussion boards, and I have to agree. Why all the melodrama? If someone doesn't feel like posting on a particular board, just don't post. Let's grow up, shall we?

Are some people actually claiming that it's somehow essential to use inflammatory rhetoric, that it's impossible to discuss our plight without doing so? Come on, guys. Get off it. What grand purpose does it serve to use words like "monkey" and "savage?"

It's not about being nice when we know our opposition won't respond in kind. In fact, it's about learning from our enemies! We should be "two faced." Present a respectable exterior, while being far right wing hardcore racists on the inside.

We need legitimacy, and using terms like "monkey" and "savage" cannot serve that end. We all know that, so let's not do it. We have to bludgeon our opposition with concepts, not slurs.

Edited by: JD074


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JD074 said:
I believe it was Bigunreal that made fun of the "dramatic exits" that he sees on discussion boards, and I have to agree. Why all the melodrama? If someone doesn't feel like posting on a particular board, just don't post. Let's grow up, shall we?

I appreciate someone who has been around taking the time to state their feeling's about why they are leaving. It's kind of an "exit interview". If someone has devoted some time to the site and/or made a significant emotional investment then it is only natural that they say "good bye".

I would prefer that people just stayed and maybe waited a bit to see how they felt about the issue after thinking on it a few days. We all know that it is impossible to agree on all things amongst all people all of the time, so there will always be some differences.

I have never known a group of white men that did not split off into various groups after a while. It is in the nature of our people to be fiercely independent and proud. These positive qualities make it tough to form coherent groups and has hurt us in these extremely collectivist times.

We must find a way to put aside our commitment to moral purity on certain issues so that we can find common ground on what is perhaps the most important issue we face. If we cannot live together on a web site that is just about sports then we are surely in trouble if we have to face more important issues together in the real world.

I have noticed a much tougher skin amongst those that hold opposing views to our own. They are more likely to absorb criticism and to keep plugging on, instead of moving on.

I do not believe that anyone has been banned yet and if that is the case then I hope you may be able to find yourself back here in the future among like minded people that share many of the same feelings as yourself.


Dec 15, 2005
I just want to change degrading paradigms to whites. It bothers me that black men are dating white girls because I like white girls and don't like black girls(strictly sexually speaking). But some white guys date black girls so I think I still have even competition for the white girls.

Wow, thats pretty irrelevant.

Whites shouldn't be degraded in sports. We don't need a war nor to degrade other races. We need to get everybody a fair shake and then whites will be represented fairly in sports. If Mike Hass got a fair chance then whites would no longer be degraded!Edited by: Freedom