Phillipine President Rodrigo Duterte


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I have read things about this guy but he is like the Trump of his country - he lacks any sort of political correctness and says what he wants. He has launched a war on drugs in his country which has been ruthless and seems to be effective in targeting drug cartels and dealers. In the past day he referred to Obama as the son of a whore lol. Anyways he is an interesting and colorful world leader who is causing a disruption with the current world order so I fully support him. I also respect that he is taking a no holds barred approach to eradicate drugs from his country.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Duterte used to be the mayor of Davao, which is far and away the best run city in the Philippines. He's rude and crude and like Trump a super-alpha. PHillisFan's description of him as a shitlord is right on the mark.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Electing the Strong Horse

by Siryako Akda

The Philippine Elections recently concluded here in "Flipland," and the new President-Elect is a guy named Rodrigo “The Punisher” Duterte, a political outsider who skyrocketed to fame partly due to widespread public dissatisfaction with establishment politics (which in the Philippines’ context is synonymous with oligarchical politics) and partly due to his assertive, no-nonsense, alpha-as-**** charisma.

Duterte originally never wanted to run for president. He only entered the election after he was forced to do so by his many supporters. Thus, his rise to national fame is the result of push factors (he was pushed into office) instead of the usual pull factors (i.e. trying to attract as much political capital from as many different directions as possible). Like Trump, Duterte represents something relatively new to Philippine politics, because he invalidated the assumptions of the ruling political class and exposed the weakness of the political establishment.

Left: what the establishment thinks the voters want.
Right: what they actually want.
The distinction between civilian and military rule is a modern fiction. All nations and empires began with existential struggles, and they end when their peoples and their leaders cannot or will not continue such struggles. Say what you like about Strongmen politics, but it’s no accident that dictators keep returning to power. Despite all their flaws (and there are plenty of them), strong, charismatic figures will always attract power because they fit in with the ancient pattern of human hierarchy, which instinctively desires to put the most powerful and loyal figures at the top, so that that may secure the tribe’s borders and preserve its progeny against outside threats.

A nation that is faced by dangers does not think about tax policies or welfare reform, but rather survival, and this is the norm throughout most of human history. Leaders were chosen for their abilities to keep their tribe alive. It is only in the modern world, which provides people with a false sense of safety, that this historical norm of survival and tribal interests is replaced bycurrent yearism.

Trump mocking current yearism.
However, the struggle for survival never really ended. What actually happened in the post-war era was that the cost of survival went down considerably, particularly in the most developed countries. It is assumed by many that such costs will continue to go down until such a point that we can all live in Lennon’s Imaginaryworld.

The return of strongmenfigures, and more importantly, the populist demand for them, hints that the low cost of tribal survival is no longer as cheap as it once was. “Strongman” figures, like Trump and Duterte, destroy the managerial model ofinclusive government by pushing the narrative, or at least certain parts of the narrative, out of the center and into more relatively extreme spheres, where tribal instincts exist.

Like markets, politics is ruled by trends. This is implicit in the traditional conservative worldview, which acknowledges the inevitability of change (usually destructive, degenerative change), and which in turn gives rise to the desire to conserve. This view is in direct contrast with the liberal progressive mindset, which assumes that the specific historical conditions which allowedprogress – however it is defined – will go on and on, until some vague, progressive singularity has been reached.

To the progressive mindset, everything that they care about cannot be lost, since their dominant experience is one of acquiring as opposed to losing, and the social, political, technological and economic forces which allow them to acquire can never be changed. However, this is largely an illusion based upon the continuation of existing trends, namely of low-cost survival. When (not if) those trends break, the whole system upon which their worldview is based will also most likely collapse, and with it, the leaders which represent their values.

The advent of “Strongmen” is one symptom that new trends are emerging, partly because these figures are pushed into power by newly emerged socio-political forces, and partly because they function as figureheads and emotional engines for the very same forces that catapult them to power.

In this sense, Leaders are products of society and historical forces. They are swept into power because they fill up niches which their societies desperately want them to fill. Duterte represents a populist response to Filipino oligarchy, but he isn’t the only one. History, as well as contemporary history, offer plenty of other examples:

  • Genghiz Khan of the rising Mongol Power
  • Caesar of Post-Republican Rome
  • Napoleon of the French Revolution
  • Oda Nobunaga of the Sengoku Jidai
  • Putin of a Post-Communist Nationalist Russia
  • Obama of Multicultural America
  • Trump of White identitarian America.

And so and so forth.

Such leaders are – regardless of their actual skill or intelligence – totems, and you can tell a lot about a society by the kind of totems they worship, but that’s not why they are important. They are important because they are expressions of historical forces that sweep away the past or the false future.


May 1, 2015
You beat me to it, Leonardfan. I was going to create a thread on him or one called "World Leaders" and post one about him first.

He also called US Ambassador Philip Goldberg “The Gay Son Of A Whore” when he visited there recently with John Kerry.

He also recently threatened to leave the UN because they criticized his handling of the "Drug War" in his country.

He's told Obama and the US to mind there own business and today suggested he may have to wrestle 0bama "in the mud". 0bama has since canceled this scheduled meeting.

There was a terrorist b0mbing in his home city Davao the other day by some Islamic extremists and he immediately sent 9000 troops there to root out the terror cells and then immediately visited the wounded victims in the hospital...he didn't go golfing...

He's given the ordinary citizen "shoot to kill" orders against anyone they see dealing drugs with total immunity from the law.

He's told looters, "You will not survive, you can leave either vertically or horizontally."

He considers himself the "Dirty Harry" of the Philippines. He says he's "not afraid to die for my country and go to hell because it will be filled with beautiful women". Ha!
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
National Duterteism
Posted on 2016-10-01by Lawrence Murray

by Lawrence Murray

If you have been following me on Twitter you may have noticed every few days I tweet something along the lines of “#Duterte did nothing wrong,” followed by a news article detailing his ongoing genocide of the criminal class of the Philippines, or one of his hostile and nationalistic remarks towards his foreign critics. Some have likened the new Filipino president to be the “Trump of the Philippines,” but it has become increasingly clear that in comparison Trump is really a watered down Duterte.

Rodrigo “the Punisher” Duterte doesn’t care what you think of him if you are not a stakeholder in improving the well-being of his nation. That means drug-dealers, mafias, corrupt business interests, American imperialists and their representatives, foreigners, NGOs, political liberals, cosmopolitans, the European Union, the United Nations, and “human rights” activists are unceremoniously told to get bent, because as outsider (or hypocritical) interests they have no leg to stand on when it comes to telling him what to do.

His literal drug war has killed more than 3000 degenerates, lead to nearly 20,000 arrests, and terrified over 700,000 to turn themselves in to the authorities. He has threatened to kill over 100,000 criminals, called for vigilante killings of drug dealers, smugglers, and pimps, set up bounties for higher ranked targets, and published hit lists. He’s even suggested forming army units to kill corrupt policemen involved in the drug trade. His threat value is through the roof, literally “I will really kill you” if you don’t comply. Undoubtedly, there are suffering innocents. But the utilitarian application of force to achieve goals is one of the oldest methodologies in human social history. Sometimes the situation is actually that bad.

The Duterte anti-drug campaign operates on a moral foundation that the decadent West finds unthinkable. You could imagine how a literal war on drugs in America would lead to charges of racism and disparate impact, especially if it succeeded. It runs completely contrary to the ineffective, coddling notions of “rehabilitative justice” or “community engagement,” which are doughy and bourgeois attempts to carrot-and-stick people prone to criminal activity into behaving. It’s also a fundamental misunderstanding of how black markets work. If heroin and meth are illegal, why are there heroin and meth epidemics? Instead of a drug dealer genocide, the United States has narcotics gangs and a cycle of suicide by drugs. The Philippines has it much worse. Reactive treatment cannot solve a deep-rooted crisis. The Western liberal, filled with misplaced pity for criminals rather than victims, wants mo’ money fo’ dem programs to fight crime. Duterte literally wants to fight crime. As in, with right-wing death squads riding motorcycles. Which is like, completely badass.


Back in 2005, while mayor of Davao City, Duterte said that the “summary execution of criminals remains the most effective way to crush kidnapping and illegal drugs.” In 2009, hesaid, “If you are doing an illegal activity in my city, if you are a criminal or part of a syndicate that preys on the innocent people of the city, for as long as I am the mayor, you are a legitimate target of assassination.” Duterte has been accused of tolerating “Davao Death Squads,” which do indeed exist and are not prosecuted by the government. He was elected president in 2016 (with a plurality of the vote) to lead the whole country on essentially a platform of straightening out the Philippines the same way he had straightened out Davao City.

Duterte has developed a reputation for speaking in a very brash, uncucked fashion. In May, when asked about the issue of media killings, he characteristically responded, “Just because you’re a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you’re a son of a bitch.” Duterte further said that “most of those killed, to be frank, have done something. You won’t be killed if you don’t do anything wrong,” “If you are an upright journalist, nothing will happen to you.” Talk about shutting their lying mouths.

On June 30, Duterte was sworn in to a six-year term at age 71. He spoke politely about what his direction would continue to be. “I know there are those who do not agree with my methods of fighting criminality,” he said. “In response let me say this: I have seen how corruption bled the government of funds. I have seen how illegal drugs destroy individuals and ruin families’ relationships.” Being from his nation’s neglected south, he also criticized “Imperial Manila” and supports increasing regional autonomy. Afterward, he visited a slum in the capital and “unleashed profanity-laden threats against drug traffickers,” as The Guardianput it. “These sons of whores are destroying our children. I warn you, don’t go into that, even if you’re a policeman, because I will really kill you,” said Duterte, adding “if you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”

In a nationally televised speech in Davao City, he told citizens to kill drug dealers themselves if they had the opportunity to do so. “Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun, you have my support… Shoot him and I’ll give you a medal.”


“Do not pretend to be the moral conscience of the world. Do not be the policeman because you do not have the eligibility to do that in my country.”
In July, he refused to apologize for calling secretary of state John Kerry’s colleague, the ambassador (((Philip Goldberg))), “his gay ambassador, the son of a whore,” adding that “he pissed me off.. meddled during the elections, giving statements here and there. He was not supposed to do that.” In the run-up to the 2016 ASEAN summit (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), the White House communicated that Obama would be bringing up the deaths caused by Filipino drug war. Shitlord par excellence Duterte responded, “I am no American puppet. I am the president of a sovereign country and I am not answerable to anyone except the Filipino people. You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum.” Obama cancelled the meeting.

Duterte also condemned the United Nations for telling him to end extrajudicial killings—and threatened to leave the organization entirely, saying that it was “worrying about the bones of criminals piling up,” and “if you are really true to your mandate, you could have stopped all these wars and killing.” When asked about consequences of what he said, Duterte replied, “What is … repercussions? I don’t give a **** to them,” adding that “you do not just go out and give a shitting statement against a country.” Of the topic of its ineptitude, he has also said “**** you UN, you can’t even solve the Middle East carnage … couldn’t even lift a finger in Africa [with the] butchering [of] the black people. Shut up all of you.”

But what really has won this violent southeast Asian authoritarian a place in the pantheon of People Who Did Nothing Wrong are his remarks made in September that unleashed an avalanche of butthurt and kvetching heard around the world. Returning to Davao City from the Vietnam, he told reporters that he’d been “portrayed to be a cousin of Hitler” by critics. As early as May, before the election, former president Benigno Aquino III had likened Duterte’s popularity to that of the German against time. Referencing the shoah, the fuhrerpino said:

“Hitler massacred three million Jews. Now there is three million, there’s three million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them. If Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have… [Duterte pauses and points at himself]. You know my victims. I would like [them] to be all criminals to finish the problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition.”

World Skypery was not happy about this. The (((New York Times))) noted that Duterte was “understating the toll cited by historians, which is six million.” Don’t get me started on theircommentariat’s views, which on this issue are mostly Donald Trump is Literally Hitler™comments. Several skype platforms also issued statements. The (((Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Digital Terrorism and Hate Center))), the (((World Jewish Congress))), and the (((Anti-Defamation League))) all demanded apologies, and applied hand-wringing and moralizing labels to Duterte and/or his rhetoric.

You know, ancap theorist Hans-Hermann Hoppe once said that life in society would be impossible if these sorts of people weren’t threatened with physical punishment. And as far as running a third world country with a drug problem, a corruption problem, an Islamist terror problem, a maoist insurgency problem, and a pair of imperialist powers swimming in its waters is concerned, authoritarianism is probably the most pragmatic solution. Much of humanity lives in a fallen world—and never mind trying to improve it, the struggle for survival is hard enough as is. Duterte’s methods don’t get at the root of why people are doping themselves up to make it through the week or outright committing suicide by drugs—a few social programs and laws won’t end anomie—but they vastly raise the costs of participating in this societal ill. And purging does have rejuvenating properties.

Now, there are a number of ways that Duterte should not be emulated. For starters, he has a bit of a warm relationship with the leader of the Filipino maoists. (Who knows, it could lead to bipartisan death squads). He has admitted to being a womanizer, is also alleged to have a number of mistresses, and lives with a common law second wife. Duterte’s nationalism is also primarily xenophobic rather than being more constructive, i.e. literally telling every other country to **** off.


But maybe that is for the best. A Catholic-majority country in Asia where everyone has Spanish surnames but mostly speaks English or Tagalog is very much on its own in a civilizational sense. And while there are inflows of people from China, Japan, the United States, and Europe, the country remains very nationalistic (to the point of being a meme) and assimilates many of its outsiders rather quickly into what is already very much a creolized society. Duterte’s ex-wife Elizabeth Zimmerman is a quarter German-American and his running mate for vice president, Alan Peter Cayetano, was half-German. Many upper-class people also have more Chinese or European ancestry than is common, while still being mostly southeast Asian. It would be difficult to glean general principles from anything going on there, but on the other hand, we don’t have to.

As far as the Alt-Right is concerned, the Philippines is a very tangential part of the world. They will never be like Europe or the settler colonies, and we will never be like them. But at least they have a shitlord nationalist for president. That’s something to be welcomed. We still have a google.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Moribund China was neck deep in drugs, mainly opium. They solved the drug problem the same way. Now look at them.

I absolutely do not consider healthful plants like marijuana and kratom to be drugs.

If they were to start a REAL war on drugs here they'd have to start at the top, because at least three of their president in a row have been dopers and I'm not talking about natural plants.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"fact: filipino's [sic] are the most powerful race in the world"

It's spelled wrong and sure it's silly, but that is what the president of a country should be saying! That is what I want to hear the president of Germany and France and UK and Sweden and US say about their people, and not some baloney about how we must welcome all the scummiest dregs of the nonwhite third world because everybody is all the same and welcome beautiful people and here go on welfare for life and rape our wives and sweethearts and mothers and daughters and grandfathers too... welcome welcome welcome...well not "our" daughters, they are safe behind the walls of their mansions with a lot of armed guards, but the daughters of the Despicables that is.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Will Washington Try to Force Regime Change in the Philippines?

by Paul Craig Roberts

When will the neoconservative chant begin: “Duterte must go”? Or will the CIA assassinate him?

President Rodrigo Duterte has indicated that he intends a more independent foreign policy. He has announced upcoming visits to China and Russia, and his foreign minister has declared that it is time for the Philippines to end its subservience to Washington. In this sense, regime change has already occurred.

Duterte has suspended military maneuvers with the US. His defense minister said that the Philippines can get along without US military aid and prefers cooperation over conflict with China.

Duterte might simply be trying to extract a larger pay-off from Washington, but he had better be careful. Washington will not let Duterte move the Philippines into the Chinese camp.

Unless, of course, Washington has bitten off more than it can chew in the Middle East, Africa, South America, Ukraine, Russia and China and is too occupied elsewhere to deal with the Philippines. Still, Duterte would do well to request a praetorian guard from China.

The view is spreading in Asia that the American era is over, wrecked by disastrous US economic and foreign policies. The rise of Russia and China has birthed what William Engdahl calls the Eurasian Century.

China’s One Belt One Road approach to Eurasian development is cooperative. The operating principle is that everyone works together to build a future for everyone. This is far more attractive than Washington’s arrogance of organizing the world in the interest of US corporations.

As Michael Hudson, James Galbraith, and I have explained, Western economic organization has deteriorated into a system of financial looting. For example, the economy of Greece has been destroyed in order that private banks that over-lent to the Greek government did not have to write down any of the bad debt. Instead, the debt was paid by reducing Greek pensions, cutting education, healthcare and public employment, and by privatizing public companies, such as municipal water companies, with the result being a higher price of water to people whose incomes are falling.

The cost of participating in the Western system is imposed austerity and loss of national sovereignty. Economic cooperation with China does not result in such costs.

Most likely, Duterte has decided to switch the Philippines’ bet from the US to China. When Japan and South Korea also realign, the “pivot to Asia” is over.

Then perhaps even Europe will awaken and the conflict that the neoconservatives are brewing between the West and Russia will be stillborn.

Otherwise, mushroom clouds will prevail.

Whether there is time for these changes before mushroom clouds make their appearance depends on the outcome of the US presidential election. Americans are an insouciant people and do not understand the stakes. Hillary has promised conflict with Russia. Trump says he sees no point in conflict with Russia. This difference is the only important issue in the election.


May 1, 2015
Will Washington Try to Force Regime Change in the Philippines?

by Paul Craig Roberts

The view is spreading in Asia that the American era is over, wrecked by disastrous US economic and foreign policies. The rise of Russia and China has birthed what William Engdahl calls the Eurasian Century.
Most likely, Duterte has decided to switch the Philippines’ bet from the US to China. When Japan and South Korea also realign, the “pivot to Asia” is over.
The cost of participating in the Western system is imposed austerity and loss of national sovereignty.
I'll also argue that Cultural Imperialism, being pushed by (((the same group))) that are financially-raping countries like Greece are exporting our pornographic and perverse version of the future; feminism, multiculturalism, consumerism, the destruction of the family, along with the glorification of black cultural dysfunction, rap, hip-hop, the overall ignorant and disrespectful thuggish sports figures, etc. is something that these countries are realizing is not what they want, nor are in their best interests, for the development of a good, moral and decent society. It's long overdue in my opinion. I hope nothing happens to Duterte and that he's successful in changing the course and direction of his country. If they do knock him off, he'll become a martyr.

As far as Japan goes, the recent "Snowden" movie by Oliver Stone revealed that the N$A has already infiltrated that country and has placed devices on all of their major electronic and energy grid systems and that with the simple flick of a switch the entire country will "go dark" if they don't 'toe the line' with the NWO. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't done this to South Korea as well. Japan had balked at colluding and cooperating with the N$A to let them have unfettered access to all of the information of the Japanese people.


May 1, 2015
Duterte statement from today:

"I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

This is so great! Instead of war friendship and co-operation. Duterte looks like a tough guy. I like that. He reminds me of the president of Chechnya, Kadryov, Putin's friend. DT can be friends with all of them. They will respect him. Can you imagine that four foot high drunken doped up smirking hag meeting with any of these powerful world leaders!?


Kadryov...what does he have, a gold plated .380?
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"The Punisher" invited EU critics to the he can slap them plumb silly. I love this mug's style! :D

Yeah I like his style too - and when Trump was running for prez he led us to believe he'd be hanging with the tough guys like this feller and Putin and not Giorgy f'g Schwartz-Soros (by way of Kushner and Ivanka) and Satanyahu (likewise). I liked it when Duterte told President Barryetta to go to hell. That boy does not kiss ass!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reportedly issued a chilling warning to ISIS members, stating he will “eat their livers” if his troops capture them.

According to Fox News, Duterte – no stranger to making threats against criminals in his country – made his comment after a failed terror attack in a popular tourist destination in the Philippines.

“If you want me to be an animal, I’m also used to that,” he warned. “I can dish out, go down what you can 50 times over.”

“Just drive me to extreme anger, and I can eat a person. Give me salt and vinegar and I’ll eat his liver. You know, I am capable of eating a person. If you anger me, in truth, I will eat you alive. Raw.”


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Yeah I like his style too - and when Trump was running for prez he led us to believe he'd be hanging with the tough guys like this feller and Putin and not Giorgy f'g Schwartz-Soros (by way of Kushner and Ivanka) and Satanyahu (likewise). I liked it when Duterte told President Barryetta to go to hell. That boy does not kiss ass!

Trump is a cash out pig! As if he doesn't have enough money!